This morning Mama Needs A Refill’s mini-retreat theme is based on the book The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. In his book Ruiz outlines four principles to live your life by. I like to use this as a way to kick off the first sack lunch mini-retreat of the year because it helps you look at life through a whole new lens.
Don’t Take Things Personally. It’s not about you. Someone’s criticism, funny look, attitude is usually about them and has nothing to do with you. Besides is it even true? How often do you let someone else’s opinion rule your mood? How often do you take things to heart so deeply you walk around wounded for months, years? What if you blessed that experience and kissed it goodbye? Would you walk around lighter, perhaps grow wings?
Don’t Assume. Do you base your assumptions on things that occurred in the past? Are you giving yourself, others, the Universe a fair shake by basing your thoughts, ideas and actions on what you think may happen? Do your assumptions set you up for failure? What if you tossed your assumptions to the curb and lived in the present moment? Would that shift your reality?
Be Impeccable With Your Word. Do you say what you mean and mean what you say? Do you stand by your word? Do you show up like you say you will? If you don’t mean it, don’t say it. Speak with love. Clean up your mess. If you say you will do something and don’t, take care of it. This isn’t about being perfect this is about being authentic. What would happen if the words that came out of your mouth carried a high vibration of inspiration and love? Would you be received by others in a new light?
Always Do/Be Your Best. Are you doing the best that you can, in the moment you are in, with the resources within your reach? Do you cut yourself short, give up too soon, fizzle out before you even start? What if your best didn’t have such a high bar to reach? What if YOU were enough? Would being realistic and loving with yourself change your expectations? What if showing up as you are is all you need? Would it actually be perfect?
This is what we will explore at the retreat. We will play with how this affects each of us. Using a new lens we will look at the New Year ahead. Arms open wide. Ready.
How will you look at 2016? Will your agreements support you? Will you look at the New Year through the same lens of 2015 or with a new perspective and fresh insight? Blessings on your New Year. May you not take any of it personally, leave assuming for the birds, show up impeccably and do your best by being the best you possible.
Cheers, Jenny