My fifteen year old daughter will tell you there are sixteen days until Christmas. She has been extra excited this year as she and her girlfriend are creating a celebration of their own this weekend for thirteen of their friends. The hand written invites are sent, the decorations purchased, the turkey is thawing, and the cookie sprinkles are every where. Chrisgiving, their first annual creation will feature what they love best about the two holidays (Thanksgiving and Christmas). Miss Margaret has been my teacher around Christmas since she was four. Showing me the magic. Guiding me to the light of the season. She is one of my inspirations for now loving Christmas after years of being stuck in Christmases of my childhood past. She has paved a path to me leaving the stress and drama behind only to embrace the love of the season.
Margaret has demonstrated the joy and turned on the switch inside of me that Christmas is about giving and receiving. Reminding me that it is about the little things. The little things like decorating the tree as we discover ornaments that touch a cord in our heart. That look on someone’s face when you offer them a homemade treat. Breaking out in dance in the kitchen when Elvis starts singing. Shared laughter watching Elf for the 111th time or delighting in the brightness the new strand of lights brings to the living room. She has taught me it’s about saving your pennies and planning a party with your best friend for your other thirteen best friends.
I absolutely 100% GET the stress the holidays can bring. Can bring, only if you allow it, only if you invite it in. (See last week’s blog about saying “no, thank you to holiday stress”, (
But I’m learning from my children, two great teachers in front of me, that I have choices. I get to choose what I buy into, what I create, and what my intention for the season will be. I get to decide what I focus on and what I let go.
There was a big shift in our house this past weekend. Margaret’s brother, Simon, our twelve year old son, (the oldest of his friends to still BELIEVE) discovered that mom and dad are Santa. We have been leading up to this moment for a few weeks now. He has not wanted us to tell him who Santa is and at the same time he was confused by the other kids at school and their choosing to not believe. He taught me so much in that moment. He taught me that HOW we honor Christmas can transform year to year without letting go of the magic, love, and beauty.
Dear Cup Holder, you have your own traditions, beliefs, rituals and details that make up your celebration of Christmas. Even if some of the details change are you willing to discover the joy? Are you open to learning something new? Are you ready for some new magic lessons? Connect with a kid, they will gladly lead the way.
What I needed to learn most is that as my kids grow older the magic doesn’t have to disappear. I have learned that from Margaret and Simon and I am teaching that right back to them by finding new rituals, bringing back some old ones from their younger years and by BEING PRESENT.
Always the best gift is to be HERE NOW, in the present moment. That is what I forgot. That is what I am remembering. That is what I am practicing living. With sixteen days until Christmas I am doing what I can do today. I am tasting, seeing, feeling and honoring what is before me so that on Christmas Day I am present to only what is before me on that day. Until then, I am here now. Practicing being in the moment, breathing every step of the way. Will you breathe with me? What happens when we intentionally breathe is pretty magical.
Cheers, Jenny