“Your life is based on the capacity of energy in you, not outside of you.”
I shared this Yogi Tea Bag quote with recent (www.seattlelifecoaching.com) life coaching students when they began their journey in January. I had completed my life coaching certification in December and was asked to share with the class, “what I would’ve wanted to hear the night I was a first time student” back in the summer of 2012.
We look for answers. We search for clues. Although there is so much to learn, so much to grow from and personally I don’t ever want to stop that journey, the capacity of possibility is already within us, each of us, we just have to get out of the way and be willing to look, so that we can RECEIVE.
In Marianne Williamson’s A Return To Love, she writes, “In the eyes of God, we’re all perfect and we have unlimited capacity to express brilliantly. I say unlimited capacity rather than unlimited potential, because potential can be a dangerous concept. We can use it to tyrannize ourselves, to live in the future instead of in the present, to set ourselves up for despair by constantly measuring ourselves against what we think we could be rather than what we are.”
I love this. I believe this. I feel this in my bones.
When we pause and breathe, let go of “shoulds”, surrender, trust and have faith, we expand. We grow into exactly who we are meant to be. And that my dear friend, is beyond potential, that is GREATNESS. HUGE GREATNESS.
Cheers, Jenny