How do you get present to the moment you are standing in? Do you feel your feet on the ground, take a breath, let go of thoughts…?
Yesterday in yoga class, I realized I missed an entire pose. I was twisted in the right contortion but was mentally and emotionally in another place altogether. It was a pose I love too. I was off in my thoughts not even aware of the teacher directing us into the pose. I didn’t receive all the benefits of the pose because I didn’t do it. In a blink it was over and we were on to the next one.
It got me thinking. What else do I miss? How many conversations am I in physically but absent mentally? Are there numerous times I am not receiving all the benefits of a moment because I am not all the way in it? If your feet are planted in one spot but your heart, spirit and mind have wandered across the street, around the globe, out to space are you really honoring the moment? We all do this I know.
What helps me as I practice BEING HERE NOW:
- Awareness. Notice when my mind wanders away from the conversation I am in or the activity in front of me.
- Breathe. Take a breath. Nothing brings me into the present moment like a deep, intentional breath.
- Confidence. Be confident that I am where I need to be and that all the other stuff can wait.
- Divine. I am in this moment with another person because it is meant to be. This road block, interruption, obstacle, experience is happening because my soul desires it. Let go of my control, my agenda and surrender to possibility. Stop Effin’ around and go to the next place…
- Gratitude. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank the Universe, Mother Nature, Holy Spirit, Mickey Mouse, Your Higher Self, God….that Higher Power that resonates with me for this very moment. Let this gratitude fill me from head to toe. This aides in grounding me to the present moment.
Which one of the above are you willing to try when you feel yourself thinking about the future, skipping out into LaLa Land, completely ignoring the moment you are standing in?
Be gentle with yourself in your efforts. It’s all about practice. Practicing so that the next time you don’t miss your favorite pose.
Cheers, Jenny