When you BE in the moment all is well. When you surrender and ALLOW all is well. The biggest cup drainer occurs when we are not present. Stop. Breathe. Get present. Be. Here. Now.
Nothing distracts me more than my thoughts. My cup is emptied faster than a bathtub with no plug in the drain when I allow my thoughts to take me out of the present moment. I don’t have to react to every thought, idea, bit of inspiration right then. I can first take a breath. And then…BE. HERE. NOW.
Being present involves awareness. Deep awareness. Checking in with my body. How am I feeling? What does my body have to share? Am I tired, hungry, in pain, out of whack, feeling light, feeling refreshed? Checking in with my mind. Are the thoughts in my brain serving this present moment and allowing me to experience what is in front of me? Checking in with my spirit. Am I disconnected? Am I getting in my own way? Is it possible I am forgetting to connect to not only my wisdom within but to the Divinity in the Universe?
This alignment check brings me to the only thing that matters. The present moment. I practice. I get distracted. I get back on track. I wander. I come back.
I know this and I still drift to the past or meander to the future. In those moments of feeling empty, lost and overwhelmed, I stop. And in the awareness when I realize I have deviated from the present moment and I realign to the current here and now, it is like someone has magically put the stopper in the tub and I fill back up.
How can being aligned body, mind and spirit in the present moment support you in holding a full cup? What personal awareness can you bring to help you self adjust?
Cheers, Jenny