What you tell yourself matters.
January is coming to a close. You have absolutely no idea what you want your word of the year to be or
your goals and intentions for 2024 and you are clueless to what you want to be when you grow up. Cool.
You are in the right place.
Let’s stop thinking that we must be our “Best Version of Ourself” and embrace where we are and listen
to what wants to be stirred up, even if for right now it is absolutely nothing.
At the last sack-lunch-mini-yoga retreat held the third week of January it was 100% clear that we all
needed to remember that it is still winter and our bodies are needing more rest, our minds more
gentleness and our hearts to be held tenderly. Together let’s put down the measuring stick, comparison
notes and scales to weigh our imperfections, flaws and short comings. Instead, what if we loved,
embraced and allowed our imperfections, flaws and short comings to be gifts to open–not projects to
conquer or problems to fix?
Seasons are designed for what is ready to be planted and birthed, or to die off and flourish. As I invited
the retreat attendees to ponder, I invite you: what is important this season? Whether this is your season
of grief as you barely catch your breath over a recent or even long past loss or the time for you to begin
again, I offer two things: Absolutes and Agreements.
- Absolute—otherwise known as your non-negotiable. Consider and think of ONE thing that must
occur each day no matter what your day is filled with or what storm comes your way. Regardless
if the whole world needs your help and you are standing in uncontrollable busyness, stress and
madness what is the ONE thing that if you do it you will have a little bit of fuel in your Cup?- Some ideas: One conscious breath for five seconds, one prayer, one gratitude, one word you
whisper to yourself. Make it doable, accessible and something you can do no matter where you
are or what is happening. Don’t overthink. Make it simple.- Note: I have over complicated this before wanting my non-negotiable to be reading a chapter,
meditating for twenty minutes, exercising—after lots of practice I have discovered that the
simpler the better and the more likely it will happen and the more realistic that it will become a
- Note: I have over complicated this before wanting my non-negotiable to be reading a chapter,
- Some ideas: One conscious breath for five seconds, one prayer, one gratitude, one word you
- Agreement—we tell ourselves all sorts of things, all day long. We tell ourselves first thing while
looking in the mirror either “ugh” or “hi cutie”. Both agreements of how we are choosing to talk
ourselves, one disempowering and one empowering. Come up with your personal truth and
belief that will support you, as it provides guidance and encouragement. Notice the shift that
takes place when you change what you agree to serves you in the very best, most loving way
possible.- Some suggestions: I am worthy. I matter. Joy is my birthright. I honor my needs. I
create loving boundaries so that I am not resentful. I respect my choices. My success is measured
by what I want it to look like, leaving out comparison to an old me or to others.
- Some suggestions: I am worthy. I matter. Joy is my birthright. I honor my needs. I
I am not promising that coming up with your absolute and agreement you will know exactly what you want to aim for in 2024 or that all of a sudden you will feel rested enough and be inspired to climb Mt. Rainier. I am however promising that what you tell yourself and believe is vital and when you start noticing and changing how you to talk to yourself you will love yourself a tiny bit more, accept that where you are is completely okay for this season and realize that stepping into these absolutes and agreements you are being a version of yourself that you will want to continue to hang out with and so will others.
Cheers, Jenny