When a baby comes into this world they take it all in one breath, one step at a time, right?
Yes, as adults we are seasoned, have been here for awhile, but we are still learning about ourselves as we venture down this path of life. We forget to take it all in one breath, one step at a time, right? Even with the nurturing, caring and raising of others we still have to stop and consider our own path, our own steps forward.
For four weeks I am playing a “game” this summer with 9 other women. It is our own version, our modification of The Game On Diet. We are playing for points, money in the end, and simply choosing our own “steps” we want to work on. Some are giving up alcohol, some sweets. A couple are writing down what they eat and another doing something different every day to either make her laugh or to make others laugh. One is spending quality time with each child and another giving up TV in the evenings. My “things” I am focusing on are inspired by my desire to be healthy and to not over indulge this summer: Each day, drink 80 oz. of water, if hungry…eat only cucumbers, apples or water after 8 pm, exercise at least 20 minutes, meditate for at least 10 minutes.
In the end, whoever gets the pot of cash, we are all winners because we are taking steps toward our own personal goals of being healthy. The group dynamic provides not only encouragement but accountability.
Instead of coming into summer by saying I am going to lose weight and be super fit, I am being realistic with my busy summer schedule and taking baby steps. Baby steps are so much more gentle, rewarding and life giving. The results will be what they be, but I will be more aware and putting myself first by doing just a few little things every day.
When we first come into this world, we live in the moment, hyper-aware taking it all in step by step, it isn’t until later in life when we start skipping steps to get to the invisible finish line.
Cheers, Jenny