Have a great day.” Do you say this often? Do you hear this regularly? Do you hate it? Do you appreciate it?
This is a phrase that can be dissected to death just as the line, how are you? too can be analyzed, critiqued and pulled apart until your brain hurts.
This knee jerk greeting often rolls off the tongue without as much thought as, “How are you?”, however I do believe both are mostly heart inspired phrases and well-intended. I imagine we can agree, these two common American phrases are quite paradoxical. Drinking out of my “Have a Great Day” mug that has the drawing of a hand giving the middle finger (speaking of paradoxical), for those in front of the one sipping out of the cup to see—I was inspired to create a list of ways that one can truly have a great day.
I encourage you to make your own list and see what speaks to you from the random, spontaneous list I created.
First, before I unroll, unfurl, and unveil the list it is vital to note my biggest pet peeve. When a person thinks one moment, makes a “bad” day. It is ten a.m. in the morning for example and coffee has spilled, and a fender bender has occurred. These things in my opinion DO NOT MAKE A BAD day. The day has just begun and a few unfortunate, perhaps even challenging and difficult things have happened, this need not determine a “bad” day. Even if ten things have made you cry, these moments do not make a “bad” day. That’s the pet peeve part, when I have had some challenges and a friend says, oh, sorry you are having a bad day. Day isn’t over. A series of unpleasant events doesn’t not get the right to stake claim on “bad”.
As I pick up my megaphone for this, I want it said in print that “good”, “bad”, and even “great” are all objectionable, debatable and personal. And all necessary. Yes, even the shitty and crappy must occur as they are fertilizer for the good and great.
I want to share my Pollyanna vibes that it is the small things, moments, events and occurrences that have dynamic power to make something great. No matter your relationship with the phrase, “Have a Great Day” here is my list of small things, acts, experiences that have the power to shift a day to greatness. Let’s see what your truth is, toss out anything that doesn’t align for you into the trash. Or at least recycle it for someone else who may find it useful.
Ways to Have a Great Day:
- Sing loud
- Sing louder with a friend
- Share—an idea, shoulder, helping hand
- Dance alone in the kitchen
- Dance with another
- Rest, even a ten-minute nap
- Laugh at yourself
- Laugh more than once
- Laugh with another
- Cry, without apology, on your own or with someone that doesn’t tell you to stop
- Read, a poem, a book, a page or two
- Pray, without words
- Pray with another
- Live your life as a prayer
- Witness beauty, point it out to another
- Stop in your tracks when you see the moon or hear a bird
- Listen — deeply to your wise Self
- Act upon what you hear from your wise self
- Don’t let another’s unpleasantness ruin your moment
- Stop comparison, to another version of Self and definitely not to another
- Get out of your head, drop into your heart and gut
- Be kind, first to Self, then to another
- Allow the unfolding
- Trust, yourself and life
- Believe in your abilities
- Believe in miracles
- Trust life
- Trust another
- Play
- Surrender
- Create—a meal, a batch of cookies, a conversation, an idea, a letter, a journal entry, a picture, a life altering movement, anything that involves starting from nothing
- Spread joy, be joy, receive joy
- Receive – a gift, an offer, a moment of grace
- Learn something new
- Stop comparison
- Play or listen to music
- Turn up the music
- Reflect on the good
- Visualize good in the future
- Adjust negative, deflating thoughts to positive ones
- Do a little dance
- Make a little love
- Get down tonight
- Pick flowers
- Whatever you created in #31, share with another
- Don’t take yourself seriously
- Take yourself seriously
- Love yourself
- Love another
- Do nothing
- Be productive
- Honor your jam, if it’s nothing or something
- Pet a dog
- Hold a baby
- Live your life on purpose, one day at a time
- Choose love
- Choose joy
Tomorrow I could make another list with completely new items. This is what resonates today. Why 57? It’s the age I recently turned this month. No particular reason other than I wanted to pick a meaningful number, meaningful to me at least. A number that stretched me a bit.
I wonder what is on your list. Make your own list of 1 or 10 or 100. Write down the things that matter to you and when you are having a “bad” day…pick one. Then do it.
Yes, we need bad days to notice what matters to us and what is necessary to shift and readjust, and course correct. And an entire day is not lost to “bad” when there are moments alongside it that bathe you in love, offer joy or give you a break in numerous ways from the pain, loss, confusion, and struggle.
Have a great day.
Cheers, Jenny
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