It was during a recent client session that I was reminded of the quote, “I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul,” by poet William Ernest Henley. It was my client who shared it as we were talking about her shift in awareness and progress toward her personal goals.
She no longer made excuses, pointed the blame, or resisted the life calling her name. It was time and she was ready to steer her ship. It was after our six sessions together that she recalled the Henley quote. This client recognized that she was the only one who could change her attitude, which in turn transformed how she saw herself and her life.
It is in this small awareness that big change occurs. Just sharing that quote with me, her life coach, I was motivated and inspired to make some shifts in my own life. We show up more effectively and powerfully when we realize it is up to us and only us. With a creative and open mindset road blocks can be knocked down, circumstances can shift and doors open wide.
Pick one thing in your life that continually nudges you and pokes you practically screaming for your attention. Whether it is to sign up for a class, complete a particular project, change jobs, or cultivate a friendship, begin with one small step. Have an attitude that anything is possible. Make a list of what needs to happen and then tackle the list one check box at a time. Keep coming back to why you want to complete that thing and hold the vision of how great you will feel when you have gotten there.
Like a sea captain, you do not know what the winds ahead will look like, but the things that you can control will make all the difference in reaching your dream, goal, intended outcome. You can control your effort and your attitude. You can control how often and to what degree you show up. Stay the course, steer around the inevitable obstacles, and be willing to be the captain of your soul.
As I told another client just yesterday, the nudges and pokes you receive are no accident, it is your soul longing for you to pay attention.
Cheers, Jenny