I am a list maker. My lists save me. Without them I would forget, lose focus and be scattered in a thousand directions. I have shared about my need of lists before and now I want to add a new idea for your own list making success. This is geared around getting shit done and actually checked off the list. It is so simple, so easy, even the greatest procrastinator will benefit. Trust me, I’m living proof.
In the morning, after you have breathed, woken up and taken care of yourself by doing one thing for you, get out a pen and your calendar, piece of paper, white board, or Post-It-Note. (I realize this is a phone era. But using your actual hand and picking up a real pen uses muscles you wouldn’t use if you typed into a phone.) Think of it as creating new muscles at the same time. Now ask, what three things tasks will I do today? This is not like the list I talked about last week. This is not stuff that fills you and nurtures you, this is the stuff you need to get done. These are the tasks you think about doing until you forget and then remember again. Stuff like: mail your ballot for the upcoming election, schedule a doctor visit, buy your child a halloween costume, weed the rose garden, call mom, respond to your friend’s email, buy lightbulbs, renew your driver’s license. You won’t die if these things don’t get done, however it is a slow death to your well being. Your cup empties a little bit more when you mentally beat yourself up for forgetting. Your cup continues to drain as you think about all you need to do and haven’t yet done.
Pick your number, mine is three. Now write down those three nagging things that need to get done but you keep putting off. Draw an empty check box next to each item. Ask three questions about your list of tasks. Can I logistically get to this? Do I have the time? Do I want to get this done today? If you answer YES to all three questions then that is a perfect item for your list.
I have been finding that right after I write down list of three, I immediately set out to take care of the first one on the list. Wednesday my second item on the list was renew passport. I had everything I needed, I had it all together for the last three weeks, the final step was missing. Mail the sucker. Knowing I would be near the post office at 5 pm, for it is next to my son’s piano lesson, I got prepared. I organized all necessary items and placed them in a folder on the front seat of my car. All day reminding me, oh, yes, this is the day I check passport off the list. Sure enough at 5 pm item two was checked off the list. I felt so incredibly light. I made something easy be such a heavy burden.
We think about this stuff, all of the tasks, until it is actually accomplished, for me this can be months. That nagging poke, “You need to _________.” Knowing it needs to get done today because it is on the list helps serve as my own accountability partner.
Try it. What can it hurt? You may actually get some shit done you have been thinking about for far too long, so long that it is beginning to stink. Stop the stink, write it down and check it off. Coming from the Queen of Procrastination, trust me, it works. And it feels so damn stinkin’ good.
Cheers, Jenny